At the end of 2014 I was no different than others making new
years resolutions. There is always
the usual ones; eat better, get fit, lose weight. Yada yada yada.
In so many ways I feel like 2015 just really started for me
last week. We spent the month of
January at our friend Pokey’s place in Palm Coast Florida. In February Al was in respite at
Providence Manor for three weeks, I got away for a real vacation to Cuba for
one of the weeks.
All this to say I’m just now getting Al and I back into
routines. We each have fitness
routines. And getting back to a
healthy eating routine.
I have a big year of knitting goals and several yarny and
wooly events to attend. Knitters
Frolic is fast approaching at the end of April. This will be a weekend in Toronto and a full on, have the
credit card smoking at the marketplace on the Saturday kind of event.